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Why Hire An Editor? by Robert Doran

The Catherine, Caffeinated blog has a great guest post about  hiring an editor by Robert Doran.  Catherine is a great fan of self published authors hiring an editor and has pointed this out in many venues and at various times.  She is hoping this post by Mr. Doran will get through to those stubborn self published authors who don’t believe in using an editor.

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Why Self-Published Books Look Self-Published

Joel Friedlander of The Book Designer blog has an insightful and honest article that discusses the inherent flaws a self published book might have if an experienced editor was not used.  Joel was a judge of the annual BAIPA Book Awards and shares some questions posed by an author who received some criticism of her book.  You can read the answers Joel provided but I think the point of the post is that even a self published author needs an experienced editor who understands formatting and publishing conventions.  If you want a book that gets read you need help and there are plenty of experienced independent editors who can help you.

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