by Laura Lowell
on July 31, 2013
in Book Marketing, Internet Marketing, Kindle, Marketing, Marketing And Sales Strategy
Dreaming of being a best selling author? If you are writing or have written a book your new job is MARKETING! Self published or traditionally published… it doesn’t matter. Someone has to market your book and who better to do this than you? BookMarketingMojo will show you the way!
Grab the FREE Book Publishing Dictionary created by Book Marketing Mojo. It will help you with the ins and outs of publishing!
by Laura Lowell
on July 16, 2013
in Book, Book Marketing, Book Publishing, Kindle
Money Making Machine – How To Publish, Market and Make Money Using Kindle Books is a Kindle book by Anbu Rayappan. The author wrote this book about his success with Kindle books that he has not even written. He gives tips on how to outsource books for Kindle in addition to lots of marketing tips. In 4 QUICK and SIMPLE Steps, he will tell you exactly what you need to do to create and market your book.
Included in this book are tips such as:
- How to use KDP Select to improve your sales.
- How to use Google Keyword Tool to effectively market your kindle book
- how can you convert your passion and expertise into a money-making book
- how to select a clickable and amazing cover design
- list of more than 75 power words to create your book description
- how to effectively use book description to improve seo
- how to bring your book on to the first page of amazon search result
- how to choose titles which persuade the customers to click using
- emotive hidden persuasion technique?
- How to get your dream cover design from the designer?
- Where to find excellent cover designs for your book
- how to use reviews to sell more books?
- How to make your competitor to sell your book
- how to get your book appear in “customer who bought…” Section
- what color should be your cover design?
- What fonts sell more books?
- How to get 70{6d2d557e9d00bd0668d81f1c684edf6bee4f94716c136688ced4e9a613f7f134} royalty from amazon?
- What price to choose to maximize your profit?
- How to sell your book free and still make money?
- How to get to the top 100 best sellers list?
- Do you need page break at the end of every page?
- How to find the right category to sell more copies?
- An amazing way to figure out the number of copies sold from sales rank.
by Laura Lowell
on January 22, 2013
in Book, Kindle, Publishing
Marcia Yudkin has written another good article about book promotion. Although she is talking about promoting Kindle books her advice can work for print books as well. You can read the entire article on the Warrior Forum.
by Laura Lowell
on January 10, 2013
in Authors, Book, E-Books, Kindle
Angela Hoy says that about 75{6d2d557e9d00bd0668d81f1c684edf6bee4f94716c136688ced4e9a613f7f134} of Americans don’t own an e-reader and some of them never will! Publishing for Kindle and the Nook is hot, hot, hot but don’t forget that the majority of readers still want to pick up a book and hold it in their hands. To read Angela’s article click here and while you’re at it subscribe to her free e-zine.
by Laura Lowell
on November 20, 2012
in Book, Book Marketing, Kindle
Most authors create their book descriptions for Kindle with plain text because they don’t realize they can use some html tags to jazz up their format. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has created a list of support html codes here. Take this information, login to KDP and have a stab at making your description more exciting and eye catching!
by Laura Lowell
on September 18, 2012
in, Kindle, Marketing, Marketing And Sales Strategy
Copyblogger decided to experiment with the KDP Select Program to give away an e-book for a 48 hour period. At the end of the giveaway, which requires that you stop selling your book elsewhere, Copyblogger discovered numerous benefits from the giveaway including increased sales! To read about the experiment and the results visit Copyblogger.
by Laura Lowell
on February 21, 2012
in, Book, E-Books, Kindle
Is such a bold claim true? We at 42Rules don’t know for sure but it does seem like many of our colleagues and friends are toting around the Kindle’s they received for the holidays! What we do know for sure is that all of the 42Rules books come in a version for Kindle and all of the other e-readers as well. However, if you want an e-reader to read your 42Rules books and you love the catalog then you should consider a Kindle!