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Got Acronyms?

We have a love/hate relationship with acronyms.  Doesn’t everyone?  Common advice for writers is to avoid acronyms but you can use them if you have written out the full name first and put the acronym in parenthesis next to it.  What if you don’t know the full name for the acronym?  Look it up at Acronym Finder.  They have over 1 million human edited definitions.  This is a great resource every writer should bookmark.

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Capitalization Matters

There are so many grammatical rules to remember when writing your book but one that is often overlooked is when to use capitals.  Thanks to the Grammar Book site we have 17 important capitalization rules.  Read it for yourself at Grammar Book.

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How To Become A Better Writer

Thanks to Melissa Donovan of Writing Forward we have a list of tips to help writers improve their craft.  This list covers many of the issues we discuss with our authors in the 42Rules writing program so we thought it would be helpful to share with you!  You can read it at Writing Forward.

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Book Reviews Can Make Or Break Your Book

One of the best ways to promote your book is to get it reviewed by readers.  It’s important to get feedback not only from experts in your field but also general readers who like the topic of the book.  If part of your marketing plan is getting reviews then you should read “5 Mistakes To Avoid When Requesting A Book Review” at Publishing A Book Is An Adventure.  The article offers some great advice to guide you to getting the most reviews possible.

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No One Throws Away Books: How To Use Your Book To Build Your Business

“My consulting revenue has grown by 6 figures after my book was published.  I was able to get more leads, close more business and increase my fees because I am an author.”
—Michael Griego author of “42 Rules to Increase Sales Effectiveness”

If you are an entrepreneur, consultant, professional speaker or coach you spend a great deal of time marketing your products and services.  Your goal is to get your message to as many potential customers as possible.  But each year it becomes more difficult to differentiate yourself when so many of your competitors are trying to do the same thing.

You can become the recognized expert in your field and build a thriving business by writing a non-fiction book.  A book isn’t just a book… it’s probably the most effective marketing tool out there for independent professionals.  Your book is the platform from which you build your brand and your business.  Here is a list of just a few of the ways our authors use their books to build their business:

Build a brand.  Use your book as a branding tool.  Create paid products and services on the same topic as the book.  For example, your book could become an e-course, an audio book, a series of podcasts or radio shows, special reports, part of a book series, a teleclass, webinar or DVD.

Get more clients.  There’s nothing like giving a book you wrote to a prospective client.  In the “old days” we created expensive printed proposals with all sorts of graphics but a printed book is far more impressive and shows your potential client that you are an expert in your field.  Close more deals by including a free book for every team member you will work with on the project.

Get free media coverage.  Media outlets like newspapers, magazines, television, radio shows and blogs need a constant stream of new stories to keep readers engaged.  Pitch your book to journalists for review and offer yourself as an interview subject.  Chances are you, as an author, will receive much more coverage than someone without a book.

Make money.  Sell your books on your website, bookstores and online book retailers.  Take them to speaking engagements and sell them at the back of the room.  Package your book with other products.  Build an affiliate program and have your affiliates sell your book for you.

Increase your search engine rankings.  The number one way to increase your search engine rankings is to have incoming links from a variety of reputable websites.  Get these links by offering your book for free to online book reviewers and ask them to include a link to your website in the review.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to using a book to build your business.  A good book can be used as a marketing tool for many years as long as it is relevant.  Now that you know a book is the best marketing tool you can have what’s stopping you from writing one?

©2012, 42Rules, a Division of Impact Marketing Group.  Reprints welcomed so long as the article is reprinted intact and all links are made live.

Author Laura Lowell is the creator and Executive Editor of the 42Rules™ book series.  The 42Rules™ book series is founded on the belief that most subjects can be summarized into 42 distinct areas that capture a topic’s essence.  Learn more about how you can become a 42Rules™ author by visiting and follow our publishing blog for writers at

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20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Makes

Jon Gingerich of Lit Reactor has edited a monthly magazine for more than six years so he has much to say about grammar mistakes.  He shares the twenty common grammar mistakes he sees over and over again in both print and online.  To avoid these errors yourself read the article by Jon.  What grammar mistakes do you find yourself making?

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Writers, Is Pinterest in Your Marketing Bag?

Color Your Life Published wants to know if writers are using Pinterest to market their work.  We’re all familiar with and a bit burned out by all the information about LinkedIn, Facebook and other older social networks but what do we really know about Pinterest.   If you’re asking yourself the same question read the article Writers, Is Pinterest in Your Marketing Bag? At Color Your Life Published.

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Simple Writing Wins Every Time

Readers prefer writing that is concise and to the point.  Our 42Rules™ book series is founded on the idea that most subjects can be summarized into 42 distinct areas that capture the essence of a topic.  Follow our lead and write concisely by avoiding jargon, write short sentences and paragraphs, use simple language and keep on point.

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Professional Editing Is A Must For Self Published Authors

Even a book by a bestselling author won’t sell if it’s poorly edited.   Self published books are no different.  When you self publish you already have more work to do without the support of a publisher so it becomes even more important to have your book edited professionally.  Kirkus Reviews has launched an editing division for self published authors but there are many other options available if you search online.

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Writer’s Block Tip

Writer’s Block. Every writer suffers from this affliction more often than we’d like to admit. We have a neat trick for non-fiction writers. If you need a topic for a chapter or a rule (as in the 42Rules books) then the first place you should visit is the place where your audience congregates. Often this will be industry forums but it might be topical newsgroups. Drop in frequently to see what your readers are talking about. You’ll learn about the newest trends, the questions your readers have and what they value. All that information is free for the taking!

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