Joanna Penn has a guest on Jane Friendman’s blog about selling more books by optimizing your metadata. Metadata is information like categories and keywords on a book sales site. Jane recommends the book “Let’s Get Visible” by David Gaughran. The description on the book page of says:
“Take your sales to the next level! The author of the award-winning, bestselling Let’s Get Digital is back with an advanced guide for more experienced self-publishers.
There are over 1.5 million books in the Kindle Store, with thousands more added every day. How do you get yours noticed? Visibility isn’t a challenge that can be bested once – it requires continual work. But there are tools and strategies to do much of the heavy lifting for you.
In Let’s Get Visible: How To Get Noticed And Sell More Books, you’ll discover how to:
- Leverage Amazon’s famous recommendation engine to take advantage of the various opportunities it provides for exposure
- Position your books for discoverability on other sales venues
- Minimize the time you spend promoting so you have more time to spend writing
- Promote in a cost-effective way that actually works
By using these tips, you will get your book noticed. And getting noticed is the key to growing your sales.”
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