42 Rules Newsletter October 2013

It’s All About Leadership

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”
—Jack Welch


book excerptAs Jack Welch states in the quote above leadership is about growing others.  New leaders may think that the purpose of their work is managing others but really it’s not about them… it’s about their team.  A leaders job is to teach and inspire all while creating a finely tuned team.

Life is all about leadership.  Leaders are found everywhere… in families, churches, businesses and non-profits.  The key to being a great leader is to realize it’s not about you… it’s about them.  If you want to be the best leader you can be take a look at our leadership bundle.  You’ll discover three books that will help you become the best leader you can be!

Laura Lowell
Executive Editor, 42Rules books

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Don’t forget that you can get a free excerpt for every book we publish.  Simply visit 42Rules and look through our categories.  Click on a book page and fill out the form.  Voila!  A free excerpt will be sent to you by return e-mail.  If you like the excerpt feel free to share it with family, friends and/or colleagues.


How Do You Give Advice?
by Pam Fox Rollin

“I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and advise them to do it.”
~ Harry S. Truman

That’s just as true for grown-ups, isn’t it? As executives, team leaders, business coaches, or consultants, we’re constantly being asked for advice.  Sometimes, we offer it without making anyone ask!  What if more often we helped people get clear on what they want and encouraged them to go for it?  Read more.

The Right Way to Rally Your Troops
by Judith E. Glaser

Leaders face enormous public and employee scrutiny when their companies are failing. Many have to measure their success in terms of stock price and market share, and when those slip, everyone sees it happening, reads about it in the business pages, watches it on CNBC. How do the best CEOs confront that challenge? When the heat is on, and pressure intense, how do they rally their troops?  Read more.