Recommended Book: Book Power: A Platform for Writing, Branding, Positioning & Publishing

Book Power will teach you how to harness the power of Amazon, the greatest retail giant on Amazon so your content will be seen. Use Amazon as a search engine and optimize your book in a way that will drive more leads than pay per click or search engine optimization. Stop wasting money trying to drive traffic and let them do it for you. Understand the power of Amazon’s massive e-commerce empire and use it to drive pre-qualified traffic, bring more dollars to your business and more clients to your door.

You will learn:

  • Why You Want to Publish on CreateSpace AND Kindle
  • The Benefits of Being a Published Author
  • Proper Formatting Techniques
  • Book Cover Design
  • How To Create An Outline
  • Choosing the Right Title
  • The Benefits of Aligning with Experts
  • What a Platform Is – And Why You Need One
  • The Importance of Consistent Branding
  • Secret Strategies for Writing Your Book Description
  • How Amazon Is Primarily A Search Engine
  • How To Put Your Book Into Four Categories for Maximum Exposure
  • What A Sales Funnel Looks Like
  • How To Promote with Book Tours
  • How A Book Helps You Reach More Markets & Drive More Sales
  • Why You Want To Think About A Book Trailer Video
  • Cross Pollinating Your Social Media for Best Results
  • The Importance of Consistent Branding
  • Optimizing Your Author Central Profile
  • The Best Ways To Promote Your Book
  • How To Use A Book To Gain Media Exposure
  • Using Your Book As a Lead Generator
  • Getting It Right The First Time
  • Engineering A Best Seller
  • Using Categories To Your Benefit
  • Keywords, Categories And Book Description SEO
  • How To Create Content Fast
  • The Authors Secret You Did Not Know About
  • Gamifying the Creation of Your Book
