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Holiday Crunch Time! How to Sell More Books Before Christmas

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geralt / Pixabay

It’s true that the winter holiday season is almost upon us but it’s not too late to sell more books.  Penny C. Sansevieri of Author and CEO, Marketing Experts, Inc. says in the article “Holiday Crunch Time! How to Sell More Books Before Christmas” that booksellers who are late to the party can still sell books during the holiday particularly if they are autographed.  She provides us with seven places to sell these books.  To get some insight into selling more books during the holidays click here.

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If You Write Fiction Giveaway Short Stories

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OpenClips / Pixabay

Here’s a brilliant idea we had for promoting fiction books.  There are so many fiction authors out there and more joining the market daily that it makes one wonder how can you stand out from the crowd?

Certainly there are many marketing tasks you should be doing, and we cover many of them in this blog, but aside from marketing how can you give your potential readers a taste of your writing?  Give them a taste by giving them a taste.  Write a short story or two featuring the characters of your book and give it away to potential readers.  There are so many places on the web where you can post your short stories for free that we won’t list them all there but Wattpad is a good place to start.

Your short story may be a prequel to your novel or perhaps a sequel.  It could be an expansion on a plot device in your novel or it could introduce a new character.  Use your innate creativity to create this short story and then promote the heck out of it.  This is a great way to grab the attention of potential readers by giving them a “taste” for free!

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What Do Rich Authors Know That Poor Authors Don’t?

Want to make a whole lot more from your non-fiction book — maybe even enough to go full-time? After working with 12,000+ authors over the last 20 years, Steve Harrison has learned rich authors simply do seven key things differently than poor authors.

Join Steve for a free telephone seminar on Thursday, February 21st and he’ll share those things with you. I participated in Steve’s Quantum Leap program a few years ago and it was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself, my business and the 42Rules series. So much so that this is one of the few programs that I’m an affiliate for (by way of full transparency. 🙂

To register go here now:

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