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Deborah Plummer Shares Insight From Being An Author

Author Deborah Plummer has been published in the traditional, old fashioned way and she has self published a book.  In “10 Things I Wish I Knew About Being an Author That I Learned the Hard Way” she shares insights learned from going through the publishing process in two totally different ways.  To learn what she has read the entire article here.

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Resources From Writing@CSU

The home of Colorado State University’s open access learning environment, the Writing Studio, is a fantastic resource for writers of all levels.  Take a look at their Resource Index.  It operates similar to a sitemap.  Click a link to the left and on the right a list of links will appear.  This is a comprehensive writing compendium of resources from A-Z!

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The Writer’s Handbook

The University of Wisconsin – Madison has a website that provides writing help for students but it’s open to the public too!  Our favorite section is about grammar and punctuation.  You’ll want to use a professional copyeditor for your book at some point but it really helps if you know the rules beforehand.  Take a look at The Writer’s Handbook and let me know what you think.

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