Tag Archives: book marketing

Let’s Get Visible: How To Get Noticed And Sell More Books (Let’s Get Publishing)

Joanna Penn has a guest on Jane Friendman’s blog about selling more books by optimizing your metadata.   Metadata is information like categories and keywords on a book sales site.  Jane recommends the book “Let’s Get Visible” by David Gaughran.  The description on the book page of Amazon.com says:

“Take your sales to the next level! The author of the award-winning, bestselling Let’s Get Digital is back with an advanced guide for more experienced self-publishers.

There are over 1.5 million books in the Kindle Store, with thousands more added every day. How do you get yours noticed? Visibility isn’t a challenge that can be bested once – it requires continual work. But there are tools and strategies to do much of the heavy lifting for you.

In Let’s Get Visible: How To Get Noticed And Sell More Books, you’ll discover how to:

  • Leverage Amazon’s famous recommendation engine to take advantage of the various opportunities it provides for exposure
  • Position your books for discoverability on other sales venues
  • Minimize the time you spend promoting so you have more time to spend writing
  • Promote in a cost-effective way that actually works
By using these tips, you will get your book noticed. And getting noticed is the key to growing your sales.”
Click the book picture to sell more books!
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Have You Seen The Biblio-Mat?

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PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

The Monkey’s Paw bookstore has created and is using a machine that dispenses old books.  The Biblio-Mat is a coin-operated machine that allows readers to pay  with a $2 coin and receive a randomly selected book.  The Biblio-Mat was designed and constructed for the Monkey’s Paw by animator Craig Small.

This fun machine vibrates and make noises after being fed a coin.  When the book is delivered the buyer hears the ring of an old telephone bell.  What we want to know is how can our bookstores get their own copy of the Biblio-Mat?  Can you think of a way to use this fun idea to market your books?

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Book Marketing Checklist


OpenClips / Pixabay

Courtesy of Indie Author Counsel we have a free book marketing checklist.  Six pages long this handout includes building your expert author platform, find friends and readers with social networking, garner book reviews, take a virtual book tour, utilize Amazon’s selling tools, get the word out with free publicity and up your visibility with advertising.  Download this book marketing deliciousness right now!

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Sell Your Books In Bulk!

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Nemo / Pixabay

Penny C. Sansevieri of Author and CEO, Marketing Experts, Inc. discusses the ins and outs of selling your book in bulk in the article “Courting Catalogs and Bulk Sales”.  What we got out of the article is that to sell your books in bulk you need to think creatively.  The other issue to keep in mind is that bulk purchases can take time so be patient.  To read the entire article yourself click “Courting Catalogs and Bulk Sales“.

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7 Things Authors Can Do While Waiting for A Book to Be Published

Screen shot 2013-10-20 at 11.34.06 PMA client forwarded this article to us today.  You’ll love “7 Things Authors Can Do While Waiting for A Book to Be Published” by Shelley Hitz on The Future of Ink Blog.  Shelley gives us seven things to do while our book is awaiting publishing.  For self published authors you can work on these items while you’re writing the book or better yet hire a Virtual Assistant to do this grunt work for you.  To read the full article click the link in the title above!

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Mini Q&A with Seattle author Wendy Call

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OpenClips / Pixabay

The Writer’s Block: Living a Writer’s Life blog has a mini Q&A with author Wendy Call from the upcoming book “Everyday Book Marketing“.  Wendy discusses her book, book promotion and gives advice for new writers.  Our favorite quote is “This is no time to be shy. Nor humble. Put yourself out there; push yourself a bit past your comfort zone.”  All writers should heed this advice and learn to become their own best supporter.  You can read the Q&A here.

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Biblio Connection Loves Bibliophiles And… Authors!


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Biblio Connection defines bibliophiles as “collectors, readers, authors and sellers”.  The site was created to bring these people together and there are a number of ways authors can benefit from this wonderful celebration of books.  Authors can find potential readers by talking about their books, post listings and giveaway copies to the Biblio Connection audience.

To learn more about Biblio Connection read this list of available features from their website.

  • Connect – find others with a passion for books
  • Enjoy – join a discussion, take a quiz or get inspired
  • Find – browse the Classified Ads and enhance your book collection
  • List – your book related services in the Service Provider Directory
  • Meet – fellow writers, collectors, sellers, authors and readers
  • Organize – schedule a book collectors/club meeting, a book fair, invite friends
  • Promote – your book and brand through giveaways and article features
  • Sell – your used/collectable books in the Classified Ads
  • Share – tell your stories and share your knowledge
  • Start – a group and discuss your favorite books or collecting experiences
  • Win – free books through our sponsored book giveaways

If you have a written a book, run don’t walk over to Biblio Connection!

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Recommended Book: Money Making Machine

Money Making Machine – How To Publish, Market and Make Money Using Kindle Books is a Kindle book by Anbu Rayappan.  The author wrote this book about his success with Kindle books that he has not even written.  He gives tips on how to outsource books for Kindle in addition to lots of marketing tips.  In 4 QUICK and SIMPLE Steps, he will tell you exactly what you need to do to create and market your book.

Included in this book are tips such as:

  • How to use KDP Select to improve your sales.
  • How to use Google Keyword Tool to effectively market your kindle book
  • how can you convert your passion and expertise into a money-making book
  • how to select a clickable and amazing cover design
  • list of more than 75 power words to create your book description
  • how to effectively use book description to improve seo
  • how to bring your book on to the first page of amazon search result
  • how to choose titles which persuade the customers to click using
  • emotive hidden persuasion technique?
  • How to get your dream cover design from the designer?
  • Where to find excellent cover designs for your book
  • how to use reviews to sell more books?
  • How to make your competitor to sell your book
  • how to get your book appear in “customer who bought…” Section
  • what color should be your cover design?
  • What fonts sell more books?
  • How to get 70{6d2d557e9d00bd0668d81f1c684edf6bee4f94716c136688ced4e9a613f7f134} royalty from amazon?
  • What price to choose to maximize your profit?
  • How to sell your book free and still make money?
  • How to get to the top 100 best sellers list?
  • Do you need page break at the end of every page?
  • How to find the right category to sell more copies?
  • An amazing way to figure out the number of copies sold from sales rank.


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Make Friends On Your Facebook Fan Page

FacebookYou already know you can share updates from other people’s Facebook Fan Pages on your profile or Fan Page, right?  Another way to make friends on Facebook is to post about other Fan Pages with fans who would read your books.  Make sure to link to the Fan Page and use hashtags.  You can also message the other Fan Page admin to let them know you posted about them.  Play nice on Facebook and you’ll grow your own fan base.

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Interact With Fans Weekly

fansEven if you have a small fanbase interact with them weekly.  Fans love authors that take the time to interact with them and if you do your fans will recommend you to other potential readers.  You can get really creative with this but here is a list of a few things you can do to “meet” with your fans weekly:

  • Hold a weekly Twitter chat.
  • Create a weekly video and post on your website and social media accounts.  Ask fans to comment so you can answer their questions.
  • Host a Google+ Hangout weekly.
  • Have a weekly chat on Facebook.  You can post the notice of the chat on your Facebook Fan Page and have fans comment.  You can reply to comments.  Make sure you setup a regular time to start and end the chat.
  • If you have local fans setup a MeetUp group to meet with fans locally.

Do you have ideas for ways to spend time with your fans?  Share it with us in the comment section please!

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