Tag Archives: book publishing

Some Startling Statistics On Book Publishing

According to the ISBN Agency Bowker:

300,000 books were published in the U.S. 2003.

411,422 books were published in the U.S. in 2007.

1,052,803 books were published in the U.S. 2009.

Approximately 3,000,000 books were published in the U.S. in 2011.

Author Seth Godin said Bowker estimates that they will issue 15,000,000 ISBN numbers in 2012.

If more than 15 million books are going to be published this year then at least one of them should be yours!  Join me, Laura Lowell, on the free webinar “Publish Your Book in 2013: The New Rules of Publishing Make it Easy!” on February 20, 2013.  Learn more here!

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Want to write a book? It doesn’t have to be like this…

Author Nathan Bransford gives us a wickedly funny take on publishing a book in his post “The Publishing Process in GIF Form“.  Although his take on the usual process is dead on, it doesn’t have to be like this.  If you work with new publishers like 42Rules, you don’t have to go through the traditional process that can take years to get your book to market.

With our proven formula, you can go from having an idea, to having a book on Amazon in less than six months.  The 42Rules program is the only program of its kind to combine the three critical elements required to make a book successful:  Writing, Publishing and Marketing.

If you have a non-fiction book in you, contact with us right away to learn more about our program.  We look forward to working with you.

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The Publishing Tide Is Turning

Thanks to Kindle and other e-readers Indie writers are finally getting the attention they deserve.  Hot off the presses the “50 Shades of Grey” self published Kindle bestseller  trilogy is now in paperback at your local Target and Walmart and the movie rights have already been sold.  The blog “Self-Publishing Success Stories” has compiled a list of more than 170 authors who have sold more than 50,000 self-published ebooks to date.  These sales figures are meant to inspire other authors but the real message is that traditional publishing houses have become dinosaurs.  Unable or unwilling to change with the times they are being left behind while self published authors sell more than many best sellers back in the day.  To see who is selling what and how many visit Self-Publishing Success Stories.

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