Tag Archives: branding my book

Seven Questions About Your Book Branding

If you want to sell more books then you need to create a brand that people identify with your books.  Branding is the action of creating an image, word, phrase or sound that immediately makes people identify your book.  The end result is an emotional reaction that encourages people to buy your book.

Whenever you work on a branding project get started by asking yourself these seven questions:

  1. Who are your target readers?  You need to know who reads your books before you can create a brand that resonates with them.
  2. Where do your target audience hang out? Knowing where your readers congregate will help you learn what they think is important and how they interact with books and each other.
  3. What is your unique value proposition? What makes your book different from a competitor’s book?
  4. What message do you want to send your readers? You don’t want to tell readers to buy, buy, buy so you have to come up with a concise message that embodies your book.  For example, a client wrote a book called “Innovate Products Faster.”  Their core message is “The prevailing view of innovation is wrong.”
  5. What is your brand personality? What do you want your book to be known for? You should have 4-6 traits each being a single term (usually an adjective).
  6. What is the tone of your brand communications? Is your book fun, serious, scary, etc.?  Use this tone when communicating your brand.
  7. Do you have a tagline or subtitle? A tagline or subtitle is a brief statement that elaborates on the theme of your book.

Gather this information in a document and use it to create your unique brand message and personality.

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