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Twitter For Fiction Characters

book marketingCommunicating with readers and potential readers is your main goal with promoting your book.  Consider creating a Twitter account for your main character(s) and using it to communicate with readers.  Some authors are having luck with this but be sure to read Twitter rules first.  If you decide to do this create a robust profile for your character but make sure that you disclose that your character is fictional.  If you already do this successfully let us know in the comment section and we’ll feature your account on our blog!

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Got A Blog? Great Advice For Authors On Blog Strategy

Author Jennifer L. Jacobson shares an excerpt from her book “42 Rules of Social Media for Small Business” that is great advice for authors who blog:

While blog types vary, here are a few points to remember when writing a blog for your business:

  • Keep your entries short. Generally, a blog entry is no more than a couple of paragraphs in length.
  • Keep your entries focused. Find one subject and stick to it.
  • Keep it consistent. Blog readers expect consistent content, so I suggest blogging anywhere from once a week to once a month.
  • This way your readers keep coming back, and they generally know when you’re going to add a new blog entry.
  • Keep it personal. Blog entries are a “behind the scenes” look at your business. Find a way to let blog readers and potential customers see the inside of your business, without giving away trade secrets, and you will find a balance that is worth treading.

A blog is a very personal thing and, if you have one, I suggest keeping in mind the persona from which your blog is written. Is your company a snowboard manufacturer, that has an edgy, super-cool blog voice, designed to glamour teens into thrashing the slopes through a wave of pure white powder? Or, perhaps your organic wine company is looking for the Über-Neo-Foodie voice entrenched in pagan culture, and opposed to anything that may block the very karma that holds all life forces together. Regardless, write your blog for your audience and expect that it will be read.

You can purchase the book “42 Rules of Social Media for Small Business” by clicking the link!

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