Use Bookmarks To Promote Your Book

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weinstock / Pixabay

We love a good bookmark.  Who doesn’t?  Bookmarks are something that we take for granted but when we don’t have one at hand we scrounge around the house to find something, anything to put between the pages of our book.

Authors should take advantage of the fact that everyone needs a bookmark, or more specifically, several bookmarks.  Get custom made bookmarks that match the cover of your book and include details on where the book can be purchased.  This will work for e-books too.

Before your book is even published setup your book for pre-order on your website and start giving away the bookmarks.  Some ideas for spreading the word about your book:

  • Ask your local librarian if you can leave a bookmarks at the checkout counter for people to pick up before they leave.
  • Check with all your local bookstores and see if they will give them away with a purchase.
  • Leave your bookmark inside books in the library that are in the same genre as your book.
  • Leave behind a bookmark at coffee shops, restaurants or anywhere you people can sit at a table.
  • Ask friends and family to pass out your bookmarks and be sure to send a bookmark to everyone who has purchased a book!

If you are struggling to get your book marketing campaigns off the ground check out Book Marketing Mojo!

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